iObeya User Guide Additional Information

Tools Available in iObeya

Standard Notes


Standard notes allow you to insert an element with the appearance of a Post-it®, containing text in one of the following configurations: Their color and size are standard.


112 (4 fields - standard)

One secondary field across the top, with another two along the bottom, and one main field in the center.

1 (1 field)

One main field capitalizing on the entire area of the note.

31 (4 fields)

Three secondary fields across the top, and one main field covering the rest of the note.

212 (5 fields)

Four secondary fields (two each across the top and bottom), and one main field in the center.

User configuration

  • Color and layout of the note (from the defined combinations)
  • Size of the note (from those pre-defined)
  • Content of the note

Room Administrator configuration

  • Name of the tool
  • Name of the elements
  • Size of the elements (from 1 to 3)
  • Layout of the note (from those pre-defined)
  • Color of the elements
  • Additional notes

VSM Notes


VSM (Value Stream Mapping) notes are specific to this practice, and allow you to visualize processes and flows, as well as describe any associated information.


Process (2 fields)

This note is composed of a main title field and a secondary description field.

Databox (5 fields)

This note is composed of five fields for listing values representing a step in a process, for example.

User configuration

  • Color and layout of the note (from the defined combinations)
  • Size of the note (from those pre-defined)
  • Content of the note

Room Administrator configuration

  • Name of the tool
  • Name of the elements
  • Size of the elements (from 1 to 3)
  • Layout of the elements (from those pre-defined)
  • Color of the elements
  • Additional notes

Standard Cards


Standard cards allow you to visually represent and track team progress for a business activity.

User configuration

  • Color of the card (from those pre-defined)
  • Size of the card (from those pre-defined)
  • Title and description of the card
  • Due date of the card
  • Numerical value of the card
  • Priority of the card
  • Members of the card
  • Checklist of the card
  • Archiving / Retrieval of the card
  • Synchronized card

Room Administrator configuration

  • Name of the tool
  • Name of the elements
  • Size of the elements (from 1 to 3)
  • Color of the elements
  • Additional cards

Activity Cards


Activity cards allow you to visually represent and track team progress for an activity on a schedule. Activity cards are resizable.

User configuration

  • Color of the card (from those pre-defined)
  • Size of the card (from those pre-defined)
  • Title and description of the card
  • Start date and end date of the card
  • Numerical value of the card
  • Members of the card
  • Checklist of the card
  • Archiving / Retrieval of the card
  • Synchronized card

Room Administrator configuration

  • Name of the tool
  • Name of the elements
  • Color of the elements
  • Additional cards



Buttons allow you to trigger events from your boards. They can be used to provide links to external documents, or to trigger integration scenarios for instance.

You can resize and configure your Button. The most recent configuration is available in your dock tool when creating a new Button.

User configuration

  • Link URL
  • Button label
  • Event type
  • URL and event options


  • Text color
  • Fill color
  • Border color
  • Text horizontal alignment

Room Administrator configuration


Web content


Web content allows you to provide preview from external documents or websites.

You can resize your web content.

User configuration

  • Embedded code

Room Administrator configuration




Shapes allow you to add visual symbols that can include text. Shapes are resizable.

User configuration

  • Shape of the shape (from those pre-defined)
  • Content of the shape
  • Position of the text

Room Administrator configuration

  • Name of the tool
  • Name of the elements
  • Shape of the shape (from the catalog)
  • Color of the border
  • Color of the filler
  • Default position of the text
  • Additional shapes



Rolls allow you to place colored bands on your board, creating groups or zones of colors.

User configuration

  • Color of the roll (from those pre-defined)

Room Administrator configuration

  • Name of the tool
  • Name of the elements
  • Color of the elements
  • Additional rolls



Stickers allow you to add one-off information to a note, or any other element present on your board.

User configuration

  • Color of the sticker (from those pre-defined)
  • Size of the sticker (from those pre-defined)

Room Administrator configuration

  • Name of the tool
  • Name of the elements
  • Size of the elements (from 1 to 3)
  • Type of elements (color or icon)
  • Color of the ‘color’ type elements
  • Additional stickers



Labels allow you to insert a text, with a specific appearance. Labels are resizable.

User configuration

  • Color of the label (from those pre-defined)
  • Text size of the label (from those pre-defined)
  • Content of the label

Room Administrator configuration

  • Name of the tool
  • Name of the elements
  • Size of the text
  • Color of the text
  • Background color
  • Types of formatting and alignment
  • Additional labels

Free Text


Free text allows you to insert a text, then to configure it afterwards. The most recent configuration is available when creating a new free text element. Free text elements are resizable.

User configuration

  • Content of the text field


  • Size of the text
  • Color of the text
  • Fill color
  • Types of formatting and alignment

Room Administrator configuration




The Image tool allows you to insert images from your computer.

User configuration

  • Choice of the image from the computer

Room Administrator configuration




The Team tool allows you to insert avatars or initials of team members on a board.

User configuration

  • Choice of collaborator from the list of team members

Room Administrator configuration


External Images


The External images tool allows you to add images from an external source. The images added to your board are updated following any modification to the source file.

User configuration

  • Choice of the external source
  • Choice of the image file

Room Administrator configuration

None. Configuration is done by the iObeya Platform Administrator.



Gauges allow you to create a visual representation of a current value, with respect to pre-defined thresholds.

User configuration

  • Gauge title
  • Scale and threshold values
  • Gauge current value
  • Number of colors
  • Color scheme (monochrome or multicolor scheme)
  • Unit of measure
  • Hide / Show values on the gauge

Room Administrator configuration




Charts allow you to represent series of data in a Bar, Stacked Bar, Line, Area, or Pie chart.

User configuration

  • Chart title
  • Series values
  • Chart type
  • Series’ color scheme (monochrome or multicolor scheme)
  • Series organization (row or columns)
  • Bar orientation
  • Values scale
  • Hide / Show values on the displayed chart
  • Unit of measure

Room Administrator configuration



You can find the full catalog of iObeya shapes below.

VSM Shapes


Basic Shapes




You can find the full catalog of iObeya stickers below.





Configurable Colors








Map Markers












Road Signs


Card Game


