Jira Add-On

Supported Fields

Supported System Default Fields

Field Name Jira Cards Free Table / Row on Sprint Table
Actual end Read-Only No
Actual start Read-Only No
Affects versions Read Only Yes
Approvers N/A No
Assignee Edit Yes
Attachment Read-Only (file name) No
Category N/A No
Change completion date Read-Only No
Change reason Edit Yes
Change risk Edit Yes
Change start date Read-Only No
Change type Edit Yes
Comment N/A No
Compass N/A N/A
Components Read-Only Yes
Description Edit No
Development N/A No
Due date Edit No
Environment Edit No
Epic Color N/A No
Epic Link (*) Read-Only for Jira DC (now parent link under “Issue Links”) No
Epic Name (only for Epics) Edit No
Epic Status N/A Yes
Fix versions Read-Only Yes
Flagged Read-Only Yes
Impact Edit Yes
Issue color N/A No
Issue Type Read-Only No
Labels Read-Only No
Linked Issues Read-Only No
Location N/A No
Log Work N/A No
Organizations N/A No
Parent Link (*) Read-only (now parent link under “Issue Links”) No
Priority Edit Yes
Project Read-Only No
Rank N/A No
Reporter Edit Yes
Request Type N/A No
Request language N/A No
Request participants N/A No
Resolution Read-Only Yes
Restrict to N/A No
Satisfaction N/A No
Satisfaction date N/A No
Security Level N/A No
Sprint Read-Only No
Start date Edit No
Status Edit No
Story Points Edit No
Story point estimate N/A No
Summary Edit No
Target end N/A No
Target start N/A No
Time Tracking Read-Only No
Team Read-Only No
[CHART] Date of First Response N/A No
[CHART] Time in Status N/A No
uuid N/A No

Supported Custom Fields

Field type Jira Cards Free Table / Row on Sprint Table
Checkboxes Read-Only Yes
Date Picker Edit No
Date Time Picker Read-Only No
Labels Read-Only No
Number Field Edit No
Paragraph Edit No
Radio Buttons Read-Only Yes
Select list (cascading) Read-Only Yes
Select List (multiple choices) Read-Only Yes
Select List (single choice) Edit Yes
Short text Edit No
URL Field Edit (NOT clickable) No
User Picker Read-Only No