iObeya User Guide Editing Board Content

Contextual Menu

Click once on any element to bring up the contextual menu.

Certain actions are unique to specific tools, while others are available for many tools, or even for all tools.

Changing the Type of a Board Element

You can change the type of an element on your board based on how the tool is configured. It is possible to change a tool instance with another, or to change parameters (size, color, etc.). Change type only concerns certain tools:

  • Standard notes
  • VSM notes
  • Standard Cards
  • Activity Cards
  • Shapes
  • Rolls
  • Labels
  • Stickers
  • Image gallery
  • Team

Resizing a Board Element

Certain board elements can be resized in length and / or width. Resizing only concerns certain tools:

  • Activity cards
  • Shapes
  • Rolls
  • Labels
  • Free text
  • Image
  • Gauge
  • Charts
  • Team

Reordering Board Elements

Board elements mimic the physical world, which is why they can be stacked on top of each other. Reorder allows you to change the position of an element, in relation to other elements. You can bring an element to the front or send it to the back, or bring it forward / send it back element by element.

Locking and Unlocking Board Elements

You can lock an element to a board, so that it does not move while you are panning around the board. You can also lock one element onto another, so that they all maintain their relative positions, even when moving the topmost element.


Any locked element can be unlocked through its contextual menu.

Aligning and Distributing Board Elements

This action is only available in the contextual menu of a group of elements, and allows you to quickly reposition the elements with respect to one another.

You can align your elements horizontally (left, center, or right), as well as vertically (top, middle, or bottom).

You can also adjust the spacing between a group of elements, so that they are evenly distributed.



Click Restore to undo the last set of modifications made with this feature.

Displaying Information About Board Elements


The Display information action lists the element’s creator and creation date, as well as the last user to have modified the element, and when they modified it.

Previewing Board Elements

Click an element, or a selection of multiple elements to display the contextual menu, then click Preview this element. The elements are displayed in a mosaic view, so that they can be read more easily.


Clicking an element whilst in the mosaic view takes you to its location on the board. You are also able to edit it.

To leave the preview, click the cross at the top of the screen.



Jump in and out of the preview using the space bar.

Voting on Board Elements

Click an element, or a selection of multiple elements, to display the contextual menu, then click Vote on this element.

Allocate or remove points on this element or on the current selection. Each voted element displays a score indicator, just like after a voting session. Feel free to vote on elements without activating a voting session.


If you are allowed to create and modify content on the board, you can remove all the points from a board.


Negative scores are not possible and they are removed when they reach zero.