Find plenty of resources to support your Lean-Agile transformation, improve your Visual Management practices and explore new ways of working with iObeya.

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New to iObeya? Access colateral to leverage all the benefits of iObeya.
Getting started
Learn the basics of iObeya: creating your first room, manipulating content on your boards, and more.
Training path
Deep dive in our Masterclasses to undercover all iObeya subjects.
Join us during our different events: Live Masterclasses, Product highlights, Coffee breaks...
🚀 Quick Access
Extend your Visual Management practices with advanced features.
Performance Management
Build performance SQCDP indicator dashboards and deploy an operational excellence system at scale.
Jira Connector
Use existing Jira tables, bulk import tickets, visually create and manage link dependencies, update content and more from iObeya.
Board Preview
Create one single source of truth by gathering multiple Visual Management boards together.
Get Support
Troubleshoot issues or contact our team of Support super heros for help.
You have a question? Do not hesitate to consult our FAQ where you may find an answer.
You have a problem? Some problems are known and referenced in our troubleshooting section which we invite you to consult.
Contact support
Our support team is here for you!