QCD Add-on

13. Data export

You can access the data export utility at:

  • A room level :
    • Room export: an archive with one file for all actions on the boards and separate files, one for each letter.
  • A board level:
    • Letter export: an archive with a separate file for each letter in the board.
    • Action export: a file with all the actions declared on all the letters of a board.

Export file will be in TSV format with a CSV extension.

13.1. Structure of actions export

One line per action belonging to a letter on a given board.

Column name Description
Room_name Name of the room the action belongs to
Board_name Nom du panneau
Letter Name of the letter the action belongs to (name of the tool)
Action_ID ID de l’action
Creation_date Date of action creation
Modification_date Modification date of the action
Board_duration_type Board frequency type
Period Time window
Wedge Name of the box the action belongs to
Problem Action problem
Problem_criticity Problem criticality
Category Problem category
Cause Cause
Author Auteur
Owner Owner
Solution Solution
Due_date Due date
Status Status
Priority Priority (from 0 to 3)
KPI Indicator names, separated by a comma
Escalation_level Escalation level
Escalation_reason Reason for escalation
Escalation_answer Answer to escalation
Reference Generic field


Dates are exported in ISO format: YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss[+-]ZZ:00

ZZ is the offset from the Greenwich Time.

For example, for June 21, 2021 at 17:28 in France, we will have: 2021-06-21T17:28:48+02:00

13.2. Letter export structure

One line per letter on a given a board.

Column name Description  
Board_name Nom du panneau  
Board_duration_type Board frequency type
Period Time window Information repeated on each line by time window / letter / rings / boxes
Letter Name of the letter
Letter_cuid Letter ID
Circle Name of the ring
Ritual_frequency Ritual frequency within its ring
“Valuation” (=entering a value) Type of ring “valuation”
Global_threshold Value of the first overall threshold (N / A if other valuation type)
Global_threshold_2 Value of the second overall threshold (N / A if other valuation type)
Calculation_method Calculation method for aggregation for global threshold
Wedge Box label Columns repeated for each indicator
KPI1_name Indicator name
KPI1_cuid Indicator ID
KPI1_threshold_1 Value of the first threshold of the indicator
KPI1_threshold_2 Value of the second threshold of the indicator
KPI1_value Indicator value
KPI1_unity Indicator unit of measurement