DCM Add-on

10. Import & export functionalities

10.1. Tasks in the catalog

Tasks can be imported and exported through an XLSX file.

To download the template, click here.

The following structure must be respected:

  • the Excel sheet name must be DCM TASKS
  • the structure must be the same as the one in the template.
A category is defined by the combination of:
  • Name
  • Site
  • Department
  • Sub-department
  • Working-Area

It is still possible to change the color of a category afterward if the same category (the same combination of the previous properties) is defined several times with a different color, only the last row will be taken into account.

A task is defined by the combination of:
  • Name
  • Description

That means that, if several tasks with the same name but different durations are needed, their descriptions have to be different.

10.2. Tasks on the board

The DCM utility in a board allows you to import tasks directly on a board through a XLSX file.

To download the template, click here.

The following structure must be respected:

  • the Excel sheet name must be DCM-IMPORT-TASKS
  • the structure must be the same as the one in the template.

Import is based on the following rules:

  • If no value, iObeya generates a one automatically
  • If present and already existing in the same board, tasks are updated
  • If present and already existing on another board, row is in error
  • If a shift with the exact same name is not found in the board, row is ignored
Resource row & Row index
  • If the index column has a value and the resource column is empty, the index value is used directly.
  • If the resource column has a value and the index column is empty, the resource value is used with a match to the first line containing the same resource.
    • If the board is in single row mode, the task is positionned in this row.
    • If the board is in double row mode:
      • If there is one resource on this row, it is positionned in the first half row.
      • If there are two resources on this row, it is positionned in the first half row of the resource.
  • If the resource column and the index column have both a value:
    • If the board is in single row mode, the resource value is prioritized and used.
    • If the board is in double row mode and if only one resource is in the identified row, the index value is used.
      • If index value is 1, the task is positionned in the first half row.
      • If index value is superior to 1, the task is positionned in the second half row.
    • If two resources are in the identified row, the index column value is ignored and the task is positionned in the resource half row.
  • If index value is superior to the number of rows in the board or if index value is empty, the resource value is used
  • Resource value must match exactly a resource declared in the planning (e.g: First name + Last name of a user or the text you’ve entered)
  • If the category exists in the catalog (based on name & cell background color), its properties are used
Start date
  • If not in the date range of the board, row is ignored
  • Date format based on MM/DD/YYYY
Start time
  • If not in the time range of the shift or the board, row is ignored
  • Text format with pattern HH:MM:SS
  • If the start time + the duration of the tasks does not match the time range, task is deleted
  • Time is formatted with numbers: 1 means 1 hour, 0.5 means 30 min, 0.25 for 15 min and 0.75 for 45 min


It is possible to create tasks that are less than 15 minutes

  • Must be less or equal than the duration
  • Time is formatted with numbers: 1 means 1 hour, 0.5 means 30 min, 0.25 for 15 min and 0.75 for 45 min
Other columns
  • Text with “true” or “false” values

10.3. Standard elements

iObeya standard export (TSV) generates rows of objects with the following properties (column props.[property]):

Technical name Property description Type
taskName Task name String

Short description for the task ( 140 chars max)

Default value : “”

category Task category Object

Duration of the task in hours. Or initial duration if changed .

(base 100 . Ex: 1 hour and 30 minutes = 1.50)

Default value : 1

resources List of resources assigned to the task Array

“true”, if the duration has changed, and is longer than initial duration.

Default value : “false”


“true”, if the task is moved.

Default value : “false”


“true”, if the duration has changed, and is shorter than initial duration.

Default value : “false”


“true” when contextual menu option Change status is clicked and Done or Done with problems option is selected.

Default value : “false”


“true” when contextual menu option Change status is clicked and Started option is selected.

Default value : “false”


“true” when contextual menu option Change status is clicked and Done with problems option is selected.

Default value : “false”


“true” when the task is added when Exceptional Task mode is on.

Default value : “false”


Task backlog configuration

Default value : null


Timestamp for the actual beginning of the task.

(may differ from the “refStartDate” if the task has been moved)


Timestamp for the actual ending of the task.

(may differ from the “refEndDate” if the task has been moved, or its duration changed)


Comment for the task.

Default value : “”


Timestamp for the initial beginning of the task.

(may differ from the “startDate” if the task has been moved)


Timestamp for the initial ending of the task.

(may differ from the “endDate” if the task has been moved, or its duration changed)


Initial duration of the task in hours.

(may differ from the “duration”, if task duration has changed)

(base 100 . Ex: 1 hour and 30 minutes = 1.50)

Default value : 1
