I have a performance issue with my onpremise platform

Performance issues can have a major impact on the user experience, for example:

  • Slowness in logging on or accessing the application, a room or a board
  • Slowness in saving and taking into account modifications made by users
  • Failure to save certain user modifications
  • Total unavailability of the application
  • ...

There are two main causes of performance or slowness problems:

  1. Incorrect sizing of the platform in relation to its intended use
  2. Problems with communication and data transmission between user workstations and the server.

In any case, we will get back to you quickly to provide a workaround when possible.

First level of analysis on your side

We invite you to check the following points:

  • Dimensioning:
    • Check that your server's prerequisites are in line with your server's usage during peak periods.
    • Check your server's advanced configurations, particularly with regard to memory allocation and the various configuration parameters, especially with the database.
    • Check your monitoring data, which may indicate platform undersizing (CPU, RAM, etc.).
    • If you see discrepancies with our recommendations, we invite you to upgrade your platform to match the minimum technical requirements linked to your use of your iObeya platform.
  • Network :
    • If you can access the server directly, check whether these slowdown problems occur by accessing the application from the server itself (localhost). This will validate or invalidate the hypothesis of a network problem.
    • If the problems don't occur from the local host, it's a network-specific problem. In this case, check with your network technical teams to see if there are any network assets that could be causing slowdowns or bottlenecks.

Second level of analysis on the Support side:

Following the first analysis, and if you haven't identified any discrepancies between the recommendations and your server, please send us the following information to support@iobeya.com:

  • The context (including days and times) in which you are experiencing these slowdowns or performance problems. It's important for us to know whether you're experiencing these problems all the time or at a certain time of day.
  • Your feedback following the first analysis.
    Tomcat logs (available on the server in the Tomcat log folder)
  • In iObeya administration :
    • Application logs, in the “Tools/Download logs” menu
    • Your server's system information, in “Tools/System information” (the button is at the bottom of the page)
    • Monitoring information for this week/month in “Tools/Monitoring”, which you can print out as a PDF file.
    • Record a trace using your browser to help diagnose the problem by reproducing the slowness that was reported.
    • If you have your own monitoring system, or if you have activated JMX iObeya, you can also send us the results.

Once we've received all these elements, the support team will analyze the first elements provided and check whether there are any apparent reasons for the slowness.

Third level of analysis:

If there's nothing explicit or apparent on the face of the elements, or if the problem requires support in auditing and implementation, you'll be redirected to our technical consulting service for a more precise audit within a commercial framework.


The iObeya Support Team

AdministrationApplicationDebugQCDSetup and maintenance
Views: 56