How to make web content point to the right page in Power BI

How to make web content point to the right page in Power BI - Resource Center

When using the "Web Content" tool with Power BI, the link provided by Microsoft may not display the correct page on the iObeya.

To access a specific page, you will need to add  :

  • rs:Embed=true

  • pageName=

  • l'ID of the page


First, find the page ID :


To get it, navigate in Power BI to the tab of the report you want to display. In the url, here's what will interrest us :


Then, adapt the embed code by adding the parameters and their values:


<iframe title="Nom de la page" width="1140" height="541.25" src="" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>


rs:Embed Documention:

PageName Documention

ApplicationWeb Content
Views: 1,157