API integrations

In this part you will learn about the possibility iObeya offers with different APIs. This will help you understand what iObeya can offer for your solution/services.

The iObeya Facade API

This API is available on iObeya Cloud only for the moment. Let us know at integrations-support@iobeya.com if you are interested in this API for an on-premise installation. The Facade API has been designed to simplify the Developer Experience by providing a modern API hiding the underlying complexity of the iObeya legacy APIs.


Kibana, an integral part of our toolkit, supports the utilization of the Facade API by providing in-depth visibility into requests, facilitating efficient monitoring and support. This powerful tool enables our Integration team to quickly pinpoint and resolve any potential issues that may arise, ensuring smooth operations and seamless user experiences.

With Kibana at our disposal, our Integration team effortlessly tracks your Integration journey, guaranteeing a robust foundation for dependable development experiences.

The iObeya Legacy APIs

iObeya exposes the legacy APIs for the core application and the QCD add-on. These 2 APIs provide all the services to cover 100% of the iObeya capabilities while requiring a deep understanding of the platform architecture and iObeya concepts.


We do not recommend using legacy APIs in production environments without our help. However, they could be a way to test new services and create a proof of concept before requesting us to provide the required Facade API services to better support your needs.

Articles related to iObeya APIs

Browse our articles and discover what you can get out of iObeya’s API and find use cases that can fit your needs.

If you need support, contact our integration experts at integrations-support@iobeya.com.