[Oracle] ORA-01000: Maximum open cursors exceeded when importing rooms on Oracle database

Issue Symptoms

When importing rooms on a platform running on an Oracle database, you get the following error in the iObeya logs:

2020-05-29 13:45:16 ERROR [SqlExceptionHelper] ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
2020-05-29 13:45:16 ERROR [AsynchronousAbleEventDispatcher] There was an exception thrown trying to dispatch event [com.iobeya.api.event.type.room.RoomPostImportEvent@47f2b9e9] from the invoker [com.iobeya.event.MethodSelectorListenerHandler$1$1@29dbd9f1]
java.lang.RuntimeException: could not extract ResultSet


By default, Oracle database allows 50 open_cursors per connection session. Increase the open_cursors count limit to solve the problem.

Assuming that you are using a SPFILE to start your Oracle database, connect as a DBA to and run the following command:

alter system set open_cursors = 500 scope=both;

If you are using a PFILE instead, you can change the setting for the running instance with the following command:

alter system set open_cursors = 500;

You will also need to edit the parameter file to specify the new open_cursors setting to be taken into account the next time you will restart your Oracle instance. We highly recommend restarting the database shortly thereafter to make sure that the parameter file change works as expected.

Setup & maintenance
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