Release notes 4.36 On-premise

iObeya 4.36.15 (On-premise version) • Released on february 5th, 2025


iObeya Core

  • IOBPDT-2599 – Beta Launch for Brazilian language in iObeya
  • IOBPDT-2854 - Improving Navigation - Reviewing zoom velocity on the trackpad and Magic Mouse on Mac OS X
  • IOBPDT-2943 - Create new room using the default room template of domain
  • IOBPDT-2986 - Open contextual menu in iObeya with right click
  • IOBPDT-3005 - Update the Resource Center banner in the help menu
  • IOBPDT-3023 - Save written JQL as a filter in Jira Bulk import search bar
  • IOB-16324 - Wait for the tasks to be displayed before accessing the board during an XLS import
  • IOB-16400 - Remove Quick Start Guide PDF, Installation guide & Technical Requirements from the On-prem & Cloud packages
  • IOB-16401 - Remove User guides, QCD Cheat Sheets PDF and admin guide from the Cloud packages
  • IOB-16408 - Improving Memory Usage and Fixing Out of Memory (OOM) Issues
  • IOB-16444 - Change the behavior of the burger menu to redirect to the application homepage
  • IOB-16528 – Unified login experience with a new login page
  • IOB-17020 – Improvement & corrections on Polish language 

Azure DevOps connector

  • IOBPDT-1552 - Stickers and affiliated elements are kept on Jira/ADO cards after a refresh on a Jira/ADO Table 


  • IOBPDT-2999 - Impossible to simply unlock a non-QCD element linked to a QCD element in the simplified QCD mode
  • IOBPDT-3032 - Filters by time range on due-date and creation-date for QCD actions 


IOBPDT-1552 - Stickers and affiliated elements are kept on Jira/ADO cards after a refresh on a Jira/ADO Table 

Bug fixes

iObeya Core

  • SUPIOBEYA-25372 – Manage LDAP import and sync of users with missing required information by adding placeholders for first name and last name fields
  • SUPIOBEYA-25567 - Using the delete shortcut in various popups send the item from the board into the trash
  • SUPIOBEYA-26254 - Board Preview not updating in newly created room based on template
  • SUPIOBEYA-26615 - Shared board and Read-only board icons are not displayed
  • IOB-15859 - Scroll ability persists after deactivating interactivity in web content on Safari Browser
  • IOB-16940 – Review database indexes on OIDC tables to improve performance when using OAuth
  • IOB-16955 – Review database indexes to improve performance on user tables to manage lowercase and uppercase username
  • IOB-16958 – Sometimes when connecting the user is redirected to this page: /s/servlet/jiracard/settings/
  • IOB-16374 - Empty screenshot when importing room containing board preview
  • IOB-17267 - Instant meeting addon is not translated to Portuguese (BR)
  • IOB-17268 - It is not possible to customize Email templates for Portuguese (BR)
  • IOB-17269 - Delete due date filters option returns wrong results in actions plan
  • IOB-17272 - When joining Instant Meetings from email we're redirecting to Home instead of instant meeting
  • IOB-17274 - Incorrect display of the number of selected tasks after searching for a specific one
  • IOB-17273 - The board preview goes out of the board when resizing
  • IOB-17275 - Problem adding a user via LDAP import who has no login
  • IOB-17276 - The "Forgot Password" button is not visible in the settings dropdown menu 
  • IOB-17310 - Client-html on-prem not working when base URL starts with http://iobeya* or https://iobeya* (iObeya 4.36.14)
  • IOB-17312 - Provide required parameters for SPAs by default in ROOT.xml (iObeya 4.36.15)
  • IOB-17316 - iObeya 4.36 fails to bootstrap on Windows server due to path error when retrieving feature flag configuration file (iObeya 4.36.15)


  • SUPIOBEYA-25910 - Mode 1 “Actions on this board” action plan is not updated when a QCD action is deleted
  • SUPIOBEYA-25997 - An exception occurred when adding the still “TODO” part that came from a DCM planning that wasn't updated
  • SUPIOBEYA-26147 - No resource available when creating a DCM task
  • SUPIOBEYA-26166 - Resources not updated after ZE/Trash task release
  • SUPIOBEYA-26180 - Incorrect information in the planning of certain DCM tasks
  • SUPIOBEYA-26181 - Wrong shift indication when a task is placed close to another shift schedule
  • SUPIOBEYA-26182 - DCM tasks that have been completely backlogged or paused cannot be deleted from the contextual menu.
  • SUPIOBEYA-26215 - The rules for sending an end-of-line task to the backlog are too strict
  • SUPIOBEYA-26303 - No scroll bar to create DCM tasks beyond 5H after placing an element
  • SUPIOBEYA-26306 - Wrong dates on a DCM board set up with a 24H shift and no start time defined
  • SUPIOBEYA-26320 - Wording issue in French with the message indicating that the state of a task can only be changed in active mode
  • SUPIOBEYA-26370 - DCM resources and dates are not refreshed correctly in specific cases
  • SUPIOBEYA-26453 - Exception occurs when valorizing context in active mode
  • SUPIOBEYA-26456 - Icons to detach tasks from a sequence doesn't appear 

 Jira connector

  • IOB-16915 – When a Jira card is opened on a board, the reporter field of the card as well as the reporter search does not return the right data. 


  • SUPIOBEYA-23144 - Incorrect value when performing a consolidation and ignoring empty values
  • SUPIOBEYA-26221 - Consolidation blocked by a user without permission to edit a board
  • SUPIOBEYA-26431 - Action plan filters display filter values for the owner field that are no longer present in the room
  • SUPIOBEYA-26638 - Incorrect display of a QCD table with an indicator with non-working days disabled
  • SUPIOBEYA-26688 - Impossible to change the QCD letter indicators of the action outside the current period
  • IOB-16447 - The "due date" filter in QCD action plans displayed only actions that were earlier than the selected date
  • QCD-3965 - Incorrect value when performing a consolidation and ignoring empty values