Release notes 4.31

iObeya 4.31 (Cloud version) • Released on June 1st, 2024


iObeya Core

  • IOBPDT-2936 - Enable log4j2 automatic reload on configuration change
  • IOBPDT-2938 - Board preview should be in high-definition in visual export to make them legible
  • IOBPDT-2952 - Improve preferred language detection and configuration
  • IOBPDT-2990 - Improved warning when shifting dates on a Planning Board
  • IOBPDT-3000 - Send Firstname, Lastname & Email information to in-app communication (Beamer) and product tours (Product Fruits) platforms to provide personnalized experiences


  • IOBPDT-2476 - Manage a backlog for tasks that exceed the date range
  • IOB-15951 - Automatically Resize task after status change to backlog/pause
  • IOB-16029 – Three free text/labels created in DCM utility settings (from room settings) to define context in a DCM task
  • IOB-16036 - Drag n Drop DCM tasks directly on the DCM board 


  • IOB-15996 – OAuth 2.0 refresh token expiration management reviewed avoiding to manually delete the token to be able to reconnect


  • IOB-15766 - Avoid non needed calls for owner and author when opening the editor of an action during first creation or edition of the action 
  • IOB-16162 - Reduce time to display the action editor after double click on an action item from action table


  • DOC-331 - Button tool - Document the "include iObeya context in URL" option
  • DOC-357 - When creating an QCD action, the search for the bearer/carrier is extended following activation of an LDAP/AD
  • DOC-370 - [OnPrem 4.30+] Update documentation regarding JMX indicators for boards screenshots
  • DOC-372 - Add more details on QCD history management
  • DOC-409 -Table of Roles in iObeya modified for Room Visitors to highlight the difference between a room user and a room visitor for the ‘Uses board utilities’ 
  • DOC-410 - [OnPrem 4.30+] Add a warning regarding liquibase preparation step only required for migration to version 4.20
  • DOC-411 - Update section Use iObeya from Microsoft Teams to take into account the end-of-support of our dedicated app
  • DOC-412 - Drag and Drop DCM tasks
  • DOC-413 - Manage a backlog for tasks that exceed the date range
  • DOC-414 - Automatically resize task when it is paused or put in backlog

Bug fixes

iObeya Core

  • SUPIOBEYA-25146 - The cropping of a board preview is not kept when breaking its relation with the source board.
  • SUPIOBEYA-25372 - Problem adding a user via LDAP import when the user has no last name
  • SUPIOBEYA-25555 - Problem with generation of cropped board previews 


  • SUPIOBEYA-25286 - Paused or backlogged tasks are still visible in the catalog even after retrieving them
  • SUPIOBEYA-25468 - Adding a sequence on a DCM board doesn't calculate dates
  • SUPIOBEYA-25519 - Empty resource in KPI column of the Excel when exporting DCM board
  • SUPIOBEYA-25620 - Error returned when trying to access the DCM utility from the room settings


  • SUPIOBEYA-24830 - Problem with the consolidated indicators, which do not retrieve the indicator values correctly
  • SUPIOBEYA-25286 - Paused or backlogged tasks are still visible in the catalog even after retrieving them
  • SUPIOBEYA-25404 - Due date shown in QCD action card depended on the time zone of the user showing D+1 or D-1 as the due date instead of the real due date
  • SUPIOBEYA-25544 - Unable to enter QCD letter indicators when meeting facilitation is activated 
  • SUPIOBEYA-25910 - Mode 1 action plan is not updated when a QCD action is deleted